Scientific Athletics

in obtaining a for ible mom ntum, but when throwing the mi il a m m ntary halt is in vitably occasioned. Thi i invariably a ompani d with a certain los of equilibrium, and a cordingly w ak n all nd avour . But, apart from the e di advantage . th body annot be turn d imultan ou ly with th hammer whil t th ame i b ing thrown, and con qu ntl thi pr judice the velo ity of th mi ile. Ioreov r, at thi ritical juncture, difficulty will b exp riencecl in prev nting th body from falling ov r the tanc . In the former tyle, how v r, th p rform r is nabl cl to werv th body cl xt rously and at the same time concentrat his utmo t kill and strength into ev r effort. econdly. anoth r advantage of the pre rib d tyl . and one whi h greatly add to sue e i , that the p dormer . b ing w 11 in th r ar of the stanc , an confid ntly xcrt hi utmo t te hnique and tr ngth in cleliv ring the hamm r without ent rtaining any anti ipations of over tepping th ''trig,'' an ampl margin in which to regain hi quilibrium immediately aft r throwing the hamm r heing onced d. rtain ancl the hamm r to th 1 ft , icle, xer 1se 'a tly in ]in with th h ls ; b au · 9