Scientific Athletics
if it lie too far forward, or m th rear, it may render the throw ineff ctual. The prop r manner in v,:hich to gra p th hammer i another very important point, ina much a it will greatly influ n e th ultimat d gre of ucce . Hold the handl with th left hand o that all the finger will have a firm hold, and with the littl finger just overing the outmo t edg . imultaneou ly take hold with th right hand in uch a fa hion that the little fing r will overlap th fir t fing r of the corre ponding hand. By holding th hammer in this manner a gr at revolu– tion can b de crib d, and it can be well d liv reel at the right mom nt. Having tr ated th principal preliminary point. to be studied in hamm r-throwing, we now proceed to cl scribe the fa hion in whi h th feat is to b' perform cl :– In th first place, maintain th body erect and r voh·e th hamm r round th h ad, d cribing the fir. t r volu– tion in a cl lib rat mann r, and in r a ing the imp tu at ea h r volution, until th io,trth, wh n the hamm r should be forcibly thrown. It is impo. . iblc to throw th hammer with on. picuou.. ucc . s if preceded by 10\Y revolution , nor . honkl it he cli charged laboriously, a if by sh er ·trength alone. Rath r let the hamm r ' cape at the pre i. moment wh n it. mom nturn would b at the highe. t. In fact, the final r volution should be ·o rapid that it would pr ,·ent any ffort to u muscular ·tr ngth alo1w. \,\Then . winging the hamm r clo not 1 ok about at any obj cts, but rath r look up\\'ar l and to the I ft, e:pe– cially when x ·uting th la. t revolution . Do not bend th arm. whilst r valving the hammer, for to Jo o would gr atly limini h it vel city. .\ voicl . winging th hamm r in a j rky, vacillating fa ·hion. ancl dodging ben ath the . am when it is b ing brought upward . T ith r hold the haft in a vie -like grasp, hut only with uffi i nt . tr ngth to pr v nt it ap whil. t gr at force i l1C'ing attain cl. It may be 99
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