Scientific Athletics

The body mu t be maintained in an ea y, graceful manner, with it weight u tain d upon the right leg, which i lightly b nt. But again, athlete differ in this r spect, for om of them maintain the leg rigid. and then b nd the am . imultaneou ly ex cuting th hop. The former attitud , how " r, i to be pref 1Ted. because in th latt r po ition th bodily quilibrium i partially lo t, and con equ ntly i.h ucceeding mov - ment ar exe uted in a j rky manner. Th manner in which to hold the hot i the n xt important point which w mu t analy . ome athl t s re t the ball upon the palm, but th g n rality of pre,– ficient putter pref r to have it lying lightly on th finger root . Th a companying i11ustration indi ate th preci metho l whi h \\'' adopt. It will b ob ·erv d that th ball is ustain cl upon th clg of th 1 alm. an 1 that th fing r ar pr s ·ed togeth r and ha a cure H LD of it. Th 1 ft arm is ext nd d utwards a d picted in the initial po ·ition portra cl abov . 1 yow contra t and . martly swing the 1 ft 1 g th toe of which ha hith rto lightl r t d upon th ground upward , th n ba kward , and imultaneou. ly incliiw forwards, o a to quilibrate th bod . Th n forcibly wing the limb upward , and with th right 1 g p rform the initial hop-which should m asur ab ut 3 it.- 110