Scientific Athletics
ju t a the upward win ·p nded , o that the im– petus of the limb will a i t in bringing the body for– war l. Th 1 ft fo t i th n lir ctly placed upon th ground within a f w in h from th tanc , and the final effort i. instantly accompli h d by bounding for– ward with and throwing th hot by a harmoniou concurrence of trength and kill, and at th ame tirn de ribing a mi- ir 1 with th body. bringing the right. foot again t th . tan and winging the left in the rear. Th 1110\' m nts mu ·t b accompli heel \vith pe d, for any mom ntar ce. ation invalidat , the ffo1 t. Ex cut th m d termin ell ; but do not, ho\vever, act precipitately. Do not hold th arm awa from th hould r, and o be oblig cl to throw the ball xc iv 1 ; but rath r hold th mi sil n ar th cleHoid, which along with th arm, hould b tiffrn cl so a to minimi th lik liho cl of incurring injury. void taking th initial hop into a i. p culiarly embarras. ing, an l r ncl r u cc ful putting infea ibl .\ in hamm r-throwing, obliterate cv rything from th mind wh n 1 rformin thi_ f at , an l do not pay undue att ntion to the tan whibt n gotiating th " . t 1r," but clir ci. th eye · intuitively i.o th location wh r the shot will de c net Wh n mitting the ball, inclin th holy \\' 11 fonrn rcl, but x rci di crimination in so doing. o as to b able to r gain th bodily halanc '. houlcl th latt r a t J,c appar impossihl . clo not O\' r-st p th . tance until ab olut ly compell cl t.o clo o. Do not. project thr shot low, b cau e thi is an incon– si t n y whi h ha. alr acly cl fraud cl innumerable woulcl-b putt r of g nnin nee . . The athlct mn t le p r i tent in the pur uit of succ ss, for although th . urmounting of ob ·tad : may occupy a con ·i l rabl time, y t th plea. ure of th ta. k and t.h njoym nt of ultimat r ult, will le more enuinc and unal1oy cl. 111
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