Scientific Athletics
and r pon 1ve, h hould comm nc i.o practi e upon ground with a light declin a this would tend to lengthen th trid . The ground hould al o be tabl , v ry mooth, and fr e from ncumbran , for the least interruption in a bri f print would increase the tim tak n to ov r th di tance. It i exp di nt to obtain th rv1 of a tarter and tim keep r. Al o ome oth rs shoul l b induced to participat in th port o that comp titian b intro– <lu ed. Ther ar ev ral tandard to about 220 yard . Th 1 paratively popular, and i favourable di tan e to adopt he lir ct, not ir uitou . \\ ith regar 1 to the attitude print , varying from 50 yard print is com- undoubtedly th mo t fir t. Th print mu t stoop lightly ancl r t th fing r quilibrating th body upon th behind th oth r. Th po ition i not ramp d, so that th athl t clir tly th ignal is given. Th following r gim may tart hy printing about 40 yard four tim ach , ning. ancl finish the practic hy printing th full di tan at an interm cliat p l. Thi houl l h pra ti eel daily for a fortnight, hui. . houl l fatigu or a \'api l f ling en. u . ah. olut r si. is imp rativ , for und r u h condition pra ·ti' would b aU ndecl with had r ult . During i.hi. preliminary cours particular att ntion should he paicl to th prop r cultivation of th ·tri le, and al o to th mann r in which to halan e the body. The pac nm ·t b fr , powerful, ancl cl voi l of . tum– bling and flu tnai.ion . In comm n ing the · concl fortnight' . cour e the spurt hould b in r a cl to about 70 yar L, and th practice ompl t ] by printing th 100 yard. at full sp cl. Th evening'. p rforman houlcl he follow cl h a tepid hath, . u c1 l by a cold sponging an l a 13'
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