Scientific Athletics
vigorou , kneading and ma aging of the mu. cl o a to xp 1 any indication of vapidity. •\fter a month' pra tice th athl t may t t hi running capa ity to the utt rmo t, but b for doing o mu t hav th bo ly thoroughly re. tecl and th mu cl and ncrv harmoni L For a beginner of 16- 17 y ar. 1 q e ond would b a sati, factory r ult in which to print th 100 yards, ancl th matur r athlete of 19 20 . houlcl p dorm th amc cli. tanc in 10! oncl . pra tic only trengthen all \\ ith regarcl to timing th r ar · veral m thod wh r by thi can b p donned uncl r cliff r nt circum– tanc . For xampl , w may a umc that th r i only on att ndant upon whom th combin l duti of tart r and tirn k p r are cl volvecl. \V r he to tand at the f1nishing point. gi,·ing th s1 rinter a vocal signal to start. ancl . imultan ou ·ly lil rating the m chani rn of th watch , a up rRuou. econcl might a ily he incl11clecl. H' could, 1W\\'c,·e r, . ignal oth rwi. than vo all , but thi. al o \\'Oulcl be unsali factory. Ther - fore two poles should he set up at the finishing point, sev ral yarcls apart. and conn ct d hy an almo. t in– vi ible :tring, to \\'hich mu ·t b attach cl ·om obj ct which can h a ·ily di ·crncd from th ·tarti11g point. Th ai.i.enclant should now stand b 'sicl th sprinter and gi,· th ignal, at the same time working the . top– wat h. Th athlct th n . print. to th pole., ancl imm cliat ly the \\'hit object is di. placed the ,rntch mn t 1 • toppecl. \\ hen two or more a. sociates ar in attcn lance the 139
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