Scientific Athletics
was the ourc of gr at r honour - than the most un– bounded trea ur . The horn coming of the h roes \\°a lik that of a wa ·lik conqu ror, b ing eatecl in a hariot drawn by four hor e , and ev rywher rec ived with great ac la– mation . Th ir ntrance into their native ity vva not through the gat , to rend r the occa ion more illustriou and ol mn a breach \\'a made in th wall. Arti t and poet \\'er mployecl in celebrating their names, and ind cl the victorie ,, rally obtained at Olympia w r th ubj ct of the most beautiful odes of Pindar. The combatant wer nucJ. . A carf wa - originally fa ten d round th wai t, but wh n it hacl entangl d one of th m, and occa ion cl his defeat, it wa liscarcl cl. The statue of the Olympioni re w r erect d in the ·acred wool of Jupiter. .\ the Olympic Game were th most an ient and mo t ·olemn of all the fe tival of t.he Gre k , it will not appear wonderful that th y ,,. ~r attend d by great multitude , not only inhabitants of Gr c , but from th n ighbouring i land , and conntrie . To the Olympiad hi ·tory i much incl bted. Th ha,· ervcd to fix p rmanently the time of many momentou · occnrr n e , and, a a matt. r of fact, before thi m tho l of c mputing time wa ob erved, the hi tory of Greece i m tly fabulou and involv d in obscurity, ontradic– tion, and ana hroni m. Th PYTHIA~ GA:\IES w r one of th , four gr at Greek f stivals in honour of Apollo and Diana. Th various conte ts indulg din were imilar to those of th Olympi c Game , as w re al o th award -, which took the form of palm of laur 1 branch . Th e gam , lik tho of Olympia, wcr quaclr nnial, or, in oth r word , om– memorat d fourth ar, near the Templ of Delphi. TlH' I TIDIIA . GA:\lE w re held in alt mat, y ars on th lsthmu, of orinth , in honour of . T ptun ~ and re embl d tho c of Olympia. \\Tr •aths were the only prize: award d. 21
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