Scientific Athletics

The EMEA GAMES wer instituted at Nern a in honour of rchemoru , and were revived in 1226 B .. They were celebrated every third year, but finally ceased in A.D. 396. The conquerors at the e games were rewarded first with a crown of olive , and later with chaplets of parsley leaves. It was customary for person of quality among the ancient Greeks and Romans to institute Fu ERAL GAMES, embracing num rous sports and feats, tor nder the death of their friends more remarkable. Thi peculiar practice was general, and was frequently pecified by ancient writers. Patroclus's funeral gam occupi d th greate t part of one of Homer's Iliads; and Agamemnon's gho ti introduced by the same poet, informing th ghost of chilies that h had b en a spectator at a great number of uch ol mniti . Th celebration of th e game among the Greek principally consist d of hor e races ; the prizes wer of varying kinds and valu , according to th quality and magni– ficence of the p r ·on that c lebrated them. Th garlands awarded to th victors on uch occasion were g n rally of parsley, which was thought to posses some peculiar relation to th d ad. Tho e gam s, am ng the Roman , con isted chiefly of processions, ancl sometime of mortal combat of gladiator around th funeral pil . The funeral gam s w r abolish d by the Emperor laudius. The C PITOLINE GA rns were institut d by amillu in honour of ] upiter apitolinu and in omm moration of the oc a ion wh n th Gaul fail d to captur the apitol. lutar h informs us that a portion of the eremony consisted in the public crier putting up the Hetrurians for sal by auction : they also took an old man and fast n d a gold n bulla about his n ck and xposed him to publi deri ion. Festus affirms that th y also dre sed him in a pret xta. There were other kind of Capitolin Game , in– tituted by Domitian, wh r in th re w re rewards and crowns b stowed on the po t , champion , orators, 22