Scientific Athletics

CHAPTER I. THE EFFICA Y OF ATHLETI I )I : A D HOW IT I E1 'RED. I T is unn c ary to indulg in a prolix di course in the n leavour to accentuate the fleet of athl ticism upon th phy i al and mental faculti , becau the mo t profound per ua ion in the upport of an 'propo i– tion ar generally inad quat to conciliat th adv rs propen ity of mankin l. ,\ hort ac ount of it. in– fluential eff ct will, th refore, be xp di nt and equally effectual in attaining the on es ion of sceptic , enlight– ening iolist , and annihilating the a umpt.ion of crupulous individual who cl lud th m lv throu h their iolism. Primarily, t.h n, J.IagJla est veritas, et prevalebit, i .e.. ''Truth i mighty, and will pr vail.'' Th or tical knowl dge i obviou ly un 'Ound, fr quently ba -el s, and alm st univer ally invalidat cl by fabrication . Practical knowledge, on the ther hand, i in ont table and asily corroborated. Th pr po t rou inf r nces dedu t d from phistical th e ar fr qu ntl qui– vocal, and r fut. or nullify th m lve , but on lu ions obtain d from infallible vindi at th ir own t.ruth. Th 27