Scientific Athletics

pliabilit to the limb . _\11 mu des, rudimentary or otherwi , ar x rcisc l an l fore l to cl velop in a prop r manner, o that physical ymmetry i en ·ured and ultimat ly acquir d. ::'\o particular mus 1 are cl v loped into abnormal proportions, whi h would prejudice the w Hare of oth r mor rudim ntary ; and, moreov r, m thocli al athletici m involv pra ti– cally n train upon the vital int rnal organs, par– ti ularl the heart, whi h i u ceptible to irritation an l nlargement re ulting from inch criminate and trenuous exertion. In reality the function of the vitals are facilitat d and Yitali ed, while th will-pow r is con id rably strengthened. 0£ the numerous emphati proofs whi h tan be brought to verify the beneficial effect of athl tici m, the participator them elve con titute th most vindi– cativ te timony of the effi acy of these sports. It is ines ential to depict exhau tiY ly th admirable charact ri tic of tr ng-willed athlete . uffice it to ay that they invariably enjoy the harmoni s of con– ummate health, a ymmetri al bodily tru ture, great str ngth and vitality, and gr at volition pow r. The con ci ntiou athl te x mplifi th neare t appro,'ima– tion to id al manhood, both phy i ally and ethically. His upright d portm nt and vivaciou but quable m tion di tingui h him from th g n rality of man– kind, whil hi quanimity i con pi uous to hi as ociat who ar , in a p y hological ense, uncon iou ly drawn into the web of hi influ n . ompare, mentally, the athlet with the va illating, irre olut individual who violat .1. atur ' law and participat in d morali ing pra ti e -the ontrast will b unpr ced nt d. The former is the xampl of th proper d v lopm nt and onformation of the human faculti , while the latt r r pres nt irr solution, pu illanimity, and that stat of human leg n ration, or cl t rioration, attributable to th noxiou influenc of lie ntiou pra ti The olut and strong-will d athl te i generally triumphant from all m rg ncie , and