Scientific Athletics
animation i aft cted, and it i thu rendered su ceptible to di ord r . A severe chill may indu e such diseas s a catarrh. ongestion, pneumonia, rh umatism, and numerou other maladie , th bacilli of which are en– couraged to propagate owing to the vigour of the organ being diminished through expo ure. Th trength and ub ervien y of th muscle ar al o impaired, and pa modic contraction of the fibr - which would temporarily incapacitate th athl te may nsu . Th e fact ufficiently mpha i e th nece ity of a guard aaain t unwonted expo ure to cold in order to avoid riou complication . On the oth r hand, xce i,·e h at mu t be avoid d al o ; hut when copiou perspira– tion is d liberat ly induced, the body hould be ma ag d and mbrocated and rigor eluded. Foitrthly The benefit of athleticism are lit rally uper eded by injuri when di proportionate impl - ment ar u ed, but pe ially at the b ginning, when th novic may b comparatively w ak, po e d of in– ad quate kill, or inadv rt ntly indulge in original and injucliciou practi ~ ot only might u h a tions involve mu cular lerangem nt , but luxation might o cur, and possibly count rad. any favourabl oppor- tuniti of u ce . It i , th r for , obviou that th aclaptati n of athl ti ut n il · is n c sary, b cau e, if this e s ntiality i ignored, th h art i expos d to exc sive xertion. Th vital al o are more or le s irritated, and, lat r, th inevitabl break– down occur . Aclvic in r garcl to th athl tic impl m nt i given in a ub equent hapt r. J-.ifthly The el tion of a uitabl r -reati n-grounc.l r quir s att ntion. Thus nothing i mor prejudicial to advan m nt in athletic than swampy ground, b ing, as it i , c entially malapropos to favourable achiev m nt , and i , moreov r, cl trim ntal to h alth. ~uitabl ground hould b aricl, om what tabl , y t r nd reel pringy by a up rfi 'ial cov ring of gra s and tol rably 1 v 1. On th oth r hand, round of x s ive 32
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