Scientific Athletics

tability i qually un uitable, b ing p rilou ly con- cussive, particularly when l aping i pra ti eel. Th re– fore a happy m chum i most xp client. :-\ ·urning that th no\·ic , is ohlig cl to p rform upon damp in aluta · ground, h houlcl, of ·our , wear very ub tantial hoe · in order to obviate impair cl health. 11or o,·er, the concu ion which attend leaping when practi eel up::m firm ground may h luclecl by filling a con ave with earth ancl springing from a cl finite mark into the ame. Sixthlv-.\ void participation in athl tic with a pe · imi ti or li ·con ·olat companion, for u h an one would be, more or less, di ·concerting, and lit rall a,· r· e to any appr ciable clegr e of succ .\lso bev,·are of a cl preciativ ancl emulou haract r, uch a, one who will C'ulogise hi· own performan cessi vely a h will cleprecia te your· ; or on clogmati e about frivoliti s. Indulge in athletic with one companion only and act conscientiou. ly and maananimou ly tO\varcl one another. . 'e7•c11tlilv-Desist from athletici m wh n xpo eel to unfavourable wcath r, h 'Cans , under ·uch circum tanc , the efficacious effects which alt ncl th sport arc utterly fo :·fei tecl. The warni·1gs concerning th pernicious eff cts \\'•1ich accompany athletics when p rflnnecl up m marshy grouncl, or \Yhen the p dorm r is in– sufficiently attired, are applicable to th pr 'S 11t con– ~;'cleration. To cmtract a s~'vere chill at an inopportnn, tim , when one woulcl he pa··ticularly anxiou: to main– tain the l>oclily animation ancl \·igour nnim1 2.i ·ed, \\',rnl l 1> hoth dishcarten;ng and prejudicial to ultimate ·ucccss. The heginne · shoukl, therC'for , jucl'ciously ·tucly the weath ,· p;·l>gn i_·tication,, and ,~,·oi 1 atl1lch: ·sm under circumstances diam tri ally nxcr. e to SUCC"SS. J;;ight 'zly He who \\'onld excel in ancl enjoy athletic· must en lcrtain no halluc inations or ab urd anti 'ipa– tions cone rning th, cl ·grec of ackan m nt e ntial 33