Scientific Athletics
to ucce To prepo t rou idea (a om humori t do) to th t that proficiency sh uld b acquired after a lap e of e,·eral month would b ab ·urd. Th indi p n ability of per everanc in the pursuit of proficien y in athl ti · i rigorou ly empha- i ed in a later chapt r. Th following meth d of procedure i , th r fore, exp diently annex d, viz. :– Embrac athl ti , at the initiation, a an ffectual preventiv of illne , and a b ing extremely conduci,, to the human facultie .- Th degr of te hniqu , whi h w uld a uredly follow, will ·uffici ntly ub- tantiate th wi dom of thi advice. mor orn- p titian. Tenthly- Do not be ohli,·iou · of the fact that pro– mi ·cuou · indulg n e in athl tic is really mu 'h mot d trim than b n fi.cial to h alth and str ngth, and that all pro p ct. of ucce s will thu · b obfu at d. ·nhappil th orroborations of thi fact ar innumer– able. Y\' th refor r p at that without r olution and t na ity of purpo · fa,·ourahle influenc . ar' r nounc d, and sati fa tory progr · r ndered impo. ible. 3-i
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