Scientific Athletics

r olut ly, arnid inadvert nc , and concentrat the mind upon very effort. Eleventhly- . part from the in fficacy of promiscuou athl ticism, exce i've indulaence th r in i - most deleterious and i a fallacy into whi h nthu ·ia m fr quently lure· th novic . The violation of a rational amount of exer i \Vould be extr m ly pernicious ina much a the following noxious ff ct would in vitably uper– ven : Fir t, di ipation of trength and v rve ; econdly, over-taxation of th vital and Thirdly, trains. prain and luxation.. H nc the amount of ex rtion mu t be graduat d to on ' taminal pO\\" r and oth r charact ri ti s. Th athl t hould be vigilant to ob erve th premonition· of Xature. whi h hould n ver b ignor d. .\nd Twel/tlzly, and la tly The g nuin influ n e of athl ti i m is forfeit d wh n xorbitant omp tih\·e work i und rgone, and e -p ially wh n the athlete is ver atil and parti ipates in num rem f at . It th r - for follow that profe i nal athl t . who compet in athl ti· · ,·ery fr quently. ,. n although inured to fati u . ar omewhat exhau ·t d whil t thu n aged, and. ·on qu ntly, do not cl riv full b n fit th refrom. Keith r can th ir enjoym nt of th -am b equival nt to that of the amat ur who indulg 'S temp rately in the port.