Scientific Athletics
tracted, for ibly thru ·t th bell oubrnrd:. R turn and repeat four ti~ . :ifaintain th di cngag cl arm riaid whil t ex rci ing th corr ponding on . R ,· r e po ition of f t b for xerci ·ing th left arm . • void executing thi x rcise too quickly until the Yariou mu cle actuated arc accustom d and ad quately trengthenecl to bear ,·iaorous ex rci . Thi · fficaciously trengthen and cl velop promin ntly actuated in hot-putting. EXERCI E 3. The pr n t xerci e i alled "Dumb-B 11 win ' in the w ight-lifting r p rtory. um th po tur exhibit cl in the accompanying illu tration. Exercise 3, th b 11 clet rmineclly . an<.l with the lis ngag d hand firml ' plac d on the corre ·ponding kn , . swing th, weight aloft hy a combination of will-concentration ._i7
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