Scientific Athletics
and mu cula · effort. and compl te th moY m nt by a simultaneou traightening of th back and 1 g . Lower th bell to original position, and r i t the w i ht th r of b ' concentrating the mind u1 on the arm and deltoid mu cles. Repeat four tim . Exer i th 1 ft arm, etc.. imilarly. .\ con picuou ba k and arm str ngth i inch p nsabl for h avy-w ight athl te , they shonl l dir ct particular att ntion to thi x rci e, a it not only augment th ·tr ngth and cl ,·elrJpm nt of th upp r part of the body, but also improves the trength and ymmetry of prac– tically all the principal mu ·cl s exerted in the re pc tive feat· of hammer-throwing and shot-putting. Th immature novice. sp cially if impotent in the back and cleltoicl , houkl . trictly an>icl imp"tuous S\\·inging, or hringin£s inordinate tr ss upon lax, ruclim ntary muscle. wh n ommen ing pr paratory xercise. EXER I E 4. Thi cxerci e known a th ''Bent Pre·:.'' and i perforn1 cl by rai. ing an 1 nstaining the clumh-h 11 b>· . upp'>rting th lhow upon the hip. Th r after, in line th, body clownwarcls, ancl simultaneously pre the b.Jl aloft. until th postur r presented her 'with ·s attained. If nece.sary. ut;li · the cliscngagccl arm in bringing th, body erect.. Lower hell, ancl rep at fon · times. Ex rci ·c the corresp,mcling arm ·imila1 Jy. This is an appropriate exercise for increa ·ing trength, vitality. etc.. inasmuch as all th prominent nrnscks are. mo ·c or less. e. ·ere· ·eel, pa ·ti nlarly those located in the back, che. t, cleltoicl , and a,·ms. It may not he out of place to ohscffe that. by a:siclnou · appl"catiun to th·s pa ·ticular feat an astounding weight can be ·levatecl overh 0 acl. B>' an indefatigable sedulity to this p'>:ifrm. '\Ir.. \rt.hnr :ax m, of Leipsic, the legiti– mate p >!-':e · ·,>r of the erffiable title of the '' \\.c,.-1 l's .'tronge. t :\Ian,'' ha. succecclccl in pres. ing a c Jlos ·al bar-hell weighing 370 lbs. :\Ir. axon is, of cours , -!8
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