Scientific Athletics

support, and th di ngag d hand again t the corr pond– ing knee, bring tres upon and contract all ubjugated mu cle . Having ma tered thi contraction. slowly pull the body tO\vard the upport, and thu prominently actuat numerou mu cle , particularly the latis imu dor i, deltoid , che t, and arm . Pull re olutely at th upport, and avoid r laxing any mu cle throughout. Alway ob erv th motion of the mu cl when exer– cising. The strain involved upon th mu le mu t d termine th number of repetition ; but do not xc d ix. Rev r e po ition of feet and exerci e the left ~ id of body similarly. ExERCI E 9. Adopt the po ture shewn h rewith, ancl cli tribut the b diJy weight uniformly upon both arms. tiffen th arm and leg and, maintaining th body rigid, lowly pr s upward a far a po ibl . R turn and r peat. Exercise 9 , Pr 'suming that the will can be firmly on entrat d on the body, five or six r p titions ·houlcl uffice. This c>xerci i a~ pl n li<l ·tamina generator, ancl benefit the nt ire bocl '.