Scientific Athletics

EXERCI ~E 10. Take up th attitude illu tratecl her with. and hol l th dumb-b 11 a hown. Gra p ome support, and rai e th body upon th to s. .\t th am time inflat, the h t, draw in th wai t, aml tiff nth leg . R turn Exercise 10. a 1d repeat until the calf ach s. thrn cca. xerc1 ·mg. Holcl th b 11 in th 1 ft hand , ancl xerc1. th other 1 g similarly. \\'hC'n th mincl ha been pow rfully concentra1.. cl upon the 1 g . a . light tem1 orary pain will aff ,ct the ·msfzt. internu. an<l 1•astus extenw. mn. des. The abov xcrri. e mat rially contribute. to µerf cct 1..he elev 101 m nt of the 10\H'r limb:, ancl i i1walual 1 to athlete. in what ·v<>r cat gory of sport they partici– pate.