Scientific Athletics
log, in ord r to avoid grievou occurrence which might po sibly be the turning point in a ucce ful career. Even although endowed with preternatural tr ngth , it i inexp dient to practi e cab r-to ing oftener than three times a week. And 1 t it b ob ef\'ed that on all uch occa ion this feat must b left until the other are fini h d, b cau e caber-tossing, beyon l almost any oth r exerci e, calls for a profus xp nditure of trength and vitality. Practise all feat d terminedly, tri\' to b come p rfect on all t chnical points, and always endeavour to eclip previou a hi vem nt . When tire 1, de i t from practi ing until trength and nerve are r habilitated, and then proceed a for– merly, but exclude all irr gularitie from th training routine. Mo t imp rtant of all, bewar of a v ry miscellaneou practice, but rather xerci e circum p ctly. hould the athlete !1ave a pr dilection for particular f at , he may first adopt tho e in which h i d sirou to creat re ords, and afterward practi e the oth r · ; or when all-round proficiency i desired, a chedule hould be u d, o that c rtain f ats may be cientifi– cally apportioned to a h day. For xampl : It vYould b gro sly indiscriminate 1.o indulg in, say, a mile rac dir ctly a number of f at such as shot-putting, 1 aping, etc., wer practised. ' o confirm cl pr c dent can b advanced in regard to the natur and number of f at. t b practis d daily, the athlet b ing und r an obliga– tion to graduate th c1 gree of ex rtion to hi constitu– tional capa iti . It must be stated, how ver, that mor than four vent a day i inadvi able, except the pr scribed number of trial be dimini hed. .\ mo t important fact which must b corroborat cl i that it is empha1.ica1ly impossibl to acquire con– current u in di tanc running and also in the h avy– \\' ight cat gory. Any such ah urd nd avours woulcl fru trate su c in both dir cticm , but esp ially in th latt r d partm nt, in whi h much would b, rend red impo ibl . Ther for must 6
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