Scientific Athletics
compr hend hi inher nt physical peculiarities, ai:d, should he b of massive proportions, the strenuou feats might be exercised and sustain d exertion calcu– lated to deplete orporeal weight, strictly avoid d. It may not be out of place to give ome advice to tho who pur ue diver evocation , because, a already mpha ised, ompatibility of training is imperative in the acqui ition of succ s. Owing to the di imilarity of advantag and phy ical capabiliti , comparatively few human con titutions are quablc in vigour, o that if the same m thod and amount of practis wa advo- ated for all men, it would of ours b in ffi aciou and incongruous. Therefore, as affirmed above, no definite rule, whi h would be equally effectual in ever individual instance, can be given. In illustrating the most jucliciou proc dure to be adopted, and al o explaining the advantag of certain ca , we ,vill treat first of all the a of th man who is x mpt from arduous or prolong d work, i ndow d vvith h alth and normal trength and proportion , and, mor over, njoy the b n fit of fr sh air, and freely participates in outdoor recreation . ~eedle to ob rve su h po ition are ideal to th gr at majority of humanity. verthel , a certain per entag are thus ituat d, and h uld th se m n de ire to , el and augm nt th ir phy i al capacitie by indulging in athl tics, they of cour can a ily do s . To th m th following routin i t nd red :- n ri ing ea h morning inclulg in th x r i already cl cribed. In ord r to derive full b nefit from the alubriou ex rci ·e they hould b p rf orm cl in a larg room, the win lows of whi h hould, w ath r p rmitting, b op n ; but draught ar to b guard d again t, b ing mo t pr judicial t h alth and vitality. .\ftcr thi initiat ry erci tak a cold bath, or failing that, a cold p nging, follow cl imm cliatcly by ma ag or fri tion with horse– hair glove or any rough material. The invigorating n ation thu induc d is an ample r comp nsation for an troubl involv cl. Following the bath, a brisk 69
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