Scientific Athletics

walk of rational duration hould be taken. The latter creates an appetite for breakfa t, which should net , however, b tak n immediat ly after. Re t aft r meals. ndoubtedly an opportun time at which to practi athl tic would be four o' lock p.m. If di -- posed, hav om exerci e hortly befor r tiring at night, and thus indu e sl p. During winter, th bath has to be adapted to th bodily temp rature, and hould the cold bath be in ompatiblc, take a tepid on . The latter may be follow d by a old ponging and vigorous friction, o as to ace 1 rat the cir ulation of t he hlo cl. Turki h bath mu t not be ventured upon by persons aft ctecl with heart dis a . h uld undu rigidity of rtain mu. cle and ligam nt b exp ri need, imm r e the affect cl region in a t pid mu tard bath. This admixtur houlcl dispel any mu ular r alcitrancy, but is inexp client immecliat ly before athletic , a it oft n th mu cl and r nd r them mor u cptibl to train. Practi e athl tic di. - criminately, and carefully ob rve th tion herein. Carcfull not 111 bodily w ight, and a. c rtain uch cl viation . , hould w ight becom de- pleted, much r ·t and nutritious th onl rem dy. In concluding thi tion, th r embarra sing imp dimcnt to b appreciabl merit can be attain cl, u a proce s of pmctice an 1 tinze. , econclly, \:V may introspect th ca of tho who ar oblig d to r main indoor. pra ti ally all day. Thi in tance, n edl to say, is c s ntially di\' r from th pre ding on , and cons qu ntly th routin njoin cl i modifi d. It is in th fir t pla n ar to di - tingui h the natur of one' environment , pr f ion, and h r ditar tran mis ion . s urning th r for that the athl te i healthy ancl pur u s a tolerabl tr nuou vocation, such a that of a black mith, hi phy ique would th reby be to a particular e. t nt develop cl and 71