Scientific Athletics
str ngthen d. De pite the fact that th black mith cloe not, whil t actively engag d in hi vocation, breathe the purest atmo ph re, he is nev rthel almost univ r- ally pos e sed of unu ual trength and proportion - . veral celebrated athlete of ancient and mod rn tim s being trong examples of thi fact. We now pro d to how that the man who i oblig d to pur ue a omparatively tr nuous incl or trade mu t avoid much manipulation with th h avy clumb-b 11, but houlcl rather practi e th fr movement which actuate volition power, and more ver incr a e th mu ular ·pontan ity and plian y. It an gen rally b cliscriminat cl that tho e mu le whi h ar p rp tually ubje ted t n rg ti and originall uncong nial m chanical exer i will ventually b com maciat d, impotent, and in rt or involuntary. Thi physi al im1 otency and lack of Yiva ity ma b attributed to an indulg nee in manual labour whil t phy ically incapable. H n e it would b harmful to execut many mechanical rnov ment with maladju t d dumb– b lls. Thu it i two 72
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