Scientific Athletics

case, b cau through its agency a precise intensity of ontraction is en ured, o that on 's novitiate in phy ical education may be completed without mi hap. In re pect to athl tici m, th ame may be p rformed in the morning for numerous r ason , while much exercise supersed d by old sponging and ma age houlcl he und rgone b for r tiring at night. Pr suming that the beginn r ha a pr dil ction for the more trenuous feat , he houlcl practise temp rately uch xerci e a sprint– ing and walking, so a not only to 1 ar and trengthen the lung , but also to render the sy tern omparativ ly inure to fatigu . Those m n who pur u indoor vocation n ed only exer i discr tion to accommodate th m Ives to a con i tent effectual routin . Mor over, th y an ch rish anguine anti ipation of ultimat ex Hence in athl tic and phy i al and m ntal w 11-being. Thirdly, it must b obvious that tho p rson who njoy the ben fits f a more out-of-door life in a lose ompanionship with Natur are r nd red h alth and strong through perp tually breathing most alutary air, fr from all impuriti . ,. cdless to infer, those thus cir umstanc d ha e no difficultie to urmount b fore attaining su 'CC s in athl ti . Alth ugh not subj ct to laborious toil, the p cl strian is to a rtain cl gr e exer i eel ; th 1 g in parti ular b ing promin ntly actuat cl. In th pr sent instan c, how ver, th u of th clumb-b 11 is advocat l, for the up1 rmost region of the budy ar not thoroughly x rcis cl by walking. The fr e mov m nt. al o hould be in– clud d, so that the p rformanc of th as arranged cannot b mu h improve l. Ex– er is may b undergon b for br akfast, an l as previou ly tatecl, ucc cl d by a ld or t picl bath, followed by ma ag and manipulation of the mu cl s. R ' t is imp rativ , b cau e of th fact that mu h walking incluc profus p rspirati n. Th mo t oppor- 74