Scientific Athletics

tune tim at which to practi e athl tic i conditional ; but thr e hour aft r breakfa t would be a uitabl time. fter walking ov r hills, dale , and moors, a man, even although practically inured to trav lling, would be mor or 1 exhau t d. onsequcntly mu h walking immediately b fore athl tic mu t be everely avoided; but sh uld some walking b in vitable, ab olute re t befor athletici m is n es ary. When xpedient, discard heavy cumbrou boot , whi h are detrimental to the d velopm nt and trength of th leg , and wear light one . As walking alway induc p r piration the clothing should b immediately r mov d, th body ma ag d, and then r dre s d in dry cloth . hould th 1 g b tired embro ate, ma sag , and re t th m. In concluding thi ca it will b , en that individual thus situated enjoy a g ld n opportunity t e, eel in athl tics, and we tru t that uch a favourabl oppor– tunity will not be ignor cl. n inordinat cl gree of manual work cl rea th animal s1 irits and att nuat and tiff n th phy ique. Rene the cl bilitatecl body and the prematur d - r pitud . The nativ vigour and ·prightline of youth ar exhau ted, an<l life, o far from b ing perf tion, i a burd n. 75