The Athlete for 1869

4 THE ATHLETE. [ ALDERSIIOT. ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~ very much like the winner of the hn.ntli– cap. There wa · also some excellent play shown by Gmnbier, who eemed unlucky all through, and by ,vickham, who phiyetl in the final. Each game wa::; 250 up. Fm T Tn~~- J. G. Chambers ( 40) beat W. Bradford (65) by 29 W. E. Baylilf ( 40) ,. E. Watt;-Ru:;sell (15) by 35 A.]). Clarke (40) ,. W. \\'illiam~ (20) by 7'1 R. Entwi le (scr.) 'IY. JI. :Mundell (ti5) by 44 Hon. W. Bethell ('i!i) ,, C. F. Heid (90) by 4. W. F. Gambier (~er.) ,. H. n. J(llis (70) by '16 W. J>ilkm~ton (90) ,, l'ercy Brown (70) by 55 T. P. Wickh,1m (scr.),. F. Attwood (50) hy 90 W. How!l'Y (60) w. o. J. Hardy (50) (scr.) J. G. Caltiirop, odd man. SEcox1> Tm W. Rowley (60) beat W. E. lhyliff (40)by39 W. F. Gambler (scr.)., J. U. Clumber;; (-10) by 90 s\, D. Cl:irke (IO) ,, W.l'ilkinf;ton(90)hy35 Hun. W. Bethell (7:i)w. o. It Entwble (~er.) T. l'. Wickham (scr.) odd man. Tmnn TrF.S. T.P.,nckhmn (scr.) beat W. Howley (60) by 40 W. F. GumbiPr (,er.) ., Hon. W. Bethell (75) by 2 A. D. Cbrke (lO)o~tl man. Fourrrn Tm,:;. ~\. D. ClarJ·e (40) beut W. F. G:i.mbier (scr.) hy ()2 T. P. Wickham (.~er.) odtl mun. Fr:,;,u, Tm. Flat Race, 100 ( Open to Non-Commis:ionecl 0.Uicers.) Col.- erg. Gibson (21117 Qneen's) 1 Corporal Barrow (•10lh Regt.) • 2 Corporal l\fortin (:!./l(l Queen's). 3 Flat Race, 100 yards– (li'or O.Diccrs.) Lieut. Clarke (1.-:t Batt. 20/h Regt.) . . .. 1\Injor Phillips (2,ul Batt. Gth Reat.) . . . 2 Lieut. Dunlop (;ilsf Heat.) . .\ " Lieut. Turnbnll (; Rcut.) .J " 11 entries. '\Yon by 2 yds. Flat Race, 500 yards- (Open to all J>rii:ates.) Drummer l\Iatchctt (211cl Batt. Sth Regt.) . . . Ingham (51.·t Rcut.) Pnvo.te l\Iooucy (40th Ri-ut.) 3!) entries. Flat Race, 500 yards- l (Open to Kon-GommiE:sionecl O,(fi_cer .) Corporal :Martin ('21lll Qneen's). I Corporal Lca<lcr (l~t l\..D.G.) . 2 Corporal :i.\Ianuiug (.M. 'J.'.) 3 A. n. Clarke ( tO) beat T. l,~· 3~:'ickham ( ·er.) Flat Race, 500 yard - ~-~---1 Aldershot Camp. Jul!J 7tl1. Flat Race, 200 yards- ( Open to 1Jrummer8, Tramp ter ·, mul 1J11!1ler.-.) Drummer ,Tctfor:;on ( 0 yds.) J Drum111cr l!',1rrcll (08 vds.) . 2 Trumpeter Flelchcr R.11.A.) 3 Flat Race, 200 yards- (Open to Prit-afe.'.; l\r 1tchett (Sth Reyt.) . Jn"lrnm (5lst llcr,t.) . . Co.,,grove (57th lltgl.) . • • I 2 . 3 (Open to 0,0"iceril.) Lieut. Clarko (1 ·t Batt. 20th Jlegf.) . . I En.-ign arnett (;37/h flegt.) . 2 Ensign Brougham (10th Reg!.) 3 l\Ir. Uarn tt rnncl all the numing until hca!lcd 20 y<l •• from ilio p0st, where ho was JK\~.·011 hy l\Ir. Clark 1 who came in fir I by half a yard. Hunlic Race, 200, over 10 flight - (011cn to all.) 54- ciitries. Hun in !fonts. Lance-Corp. R1·gnH (:2ml Batt. (j/h Foot)£~ . . . . . I Private l'owell (DSt11 Rr'rJl.) . . 2 I'riYnte Brown ('2,ul lJatf. 5th Fu3iliers) • . 3